Child Protection or Welfare Issues

All complaints or grievance relating to Child Protection or Welfare issues should in the first instance be reported to one of our Club Welfare Officers.

Julie Thorpe, email

Natasha Pretty, email

The Welfare officer will then look into the complaint, in accordance with the NSPCA/ BGA Child Protection Procedures, and make a note of the outcome.

The Welfare Officer may report to the Club Committee that a complaint has been made but may not disclose the nature of the complaint or the names of the people involved.

Should the complainant not be satisfied with the response from the Clubs Welfare Officer they can take the complaint to:

The Regional Welfare Officer – Verity Adams

Safeguarding Officer – Karly Good 07394 563170

This is to confirm that Spring Gymnastics Club has adopted the British Gymnastics Health, Safety and Welfare Policy 2005.

Welfare Officers

Natasha Pretty

Julie Thorpe